TM 3-1040-220-12&P
(d) Tighten safety head screw in safety head body
cylinders to a maximum of 2,050 psi pressure, this
using wrenches in b (1) above.
condition is unlikely to ever occur.)
(e) Install safety head assembly on cross.
b. Maintenance. Organizational maintenance personnel
Tighten fitting to lock it in place, using a wrench.
are authorized to replace the safety plug.
(1) Removal.
Safety Plug
(a) Close the globe valve and slowly open the angle
a. Description and Function. The safety plug
valve. Allow compressed gas cylinders pressure to bleed
consists of a brass plug body, a fusible metal plug, a
rupture disk, and a nylon gasket. The safety plug is
(b) Use an allen wrench and remove the safety plug
installed in the underside of the connector block. Safety
from the connector block. Discard the safety plug.
plugs are capable of withstanding pressures between
(2) Installation.
2,600 to 3,000 pounds per square inch (psi). This safety
(a) Coat the threads of the new safety plug with
plug prevents a possible pressure explosion occurring in
the compressed gas cylinders due to pressure rising to
where the rupture disk and fusible metal plug will blow to
(b) Screw the safety plug into the connector block
allow the air to escape to the atmosphere. (Since the
and tighten in place using an allen wrench.
series are used to charge the compressed gas
c. M9 Gun Disassembly.
4-17. Description and Function
(1) Remove the collar by removing three set-screws.
The gun group consists of the nonmetallic hose
(2) Pull the sleeve from the end of the end of the
assembly and the M9 portable riot control agent
rubber tubing sticking out of the front of the barrel
disperser gun (B, fig. 1-3). The M9 gun consists of a
valve body, a barrel assembly, a rubber tubing, a
(3) Hold the M9 gun in a vertical position with the
connector, a sleeve, a collar, a trigger safety, a trigger
barrel end pointing down. Release trigger safety and
spring, and a trigger. The M9 gun is used when the
squeeze the trigger.
disperser is operated from a ground vehicle. The M9 gun
(4) Pull the connector and rubber tubing from the
controls the dispersal of agent into the atmosphere.
gun valve body. Separate the connector from the rubber
4-18. Maintenance
The M9 gun is replaceable as a unit by organizational
(5) Unscrew the knurled locknut and separate the
maintenance personnel or by replacing the following
barrel from the valve body.
parts: barrel assembly, rubber tubing, connector, safety
(6) Remove two screws that fasten safety catch to
catch, sleeve, collar, and cover plate.
valve body and remove safety catch.
a. Removal.
(7) Remove two screws from the coverplate and
(1) Rotate the ball depressing ring on the quick
remove the cover plate.
disconnect coupling half so that the slot is alined with the
d. Cleaning. Thoroughly clean all metal parts of the
lock pin. Pull back on the ball depressing ring. Remove
M9 gun with drycleaning solvent (stoddard solvent)
the M9 gun and nonmetallic hose as a unit from the
disperser by releasing the quick disconnect coupling half.
cloth. Clean rubber tubing and non-metallic hose
(2) Remove the nonmetallic hose from the M9 gun
assembly with a solution of warm soapy water. Wipe dry
by unscrewing the adapter from the valve body.
with a clean, soft cloth.
b. Nonmetallic Hose Assembly-Disassembly.
e. Inspection. Check the metal parts for damaged
Unscrew the adapter from the gun end of the hose.
threads, dents, cracked welds, and undue wear.
Unscrew the quick disconnect coupling half from the
Replace if unsatisfactory. Inspect rubber tubing and
bushing. Unscrew the bushing from the adapter.
Unscrew the adapter from the end of the hose. Replace
and wear. If damaged in. any way, replace.
bushing, adapter, coupling halves, or hose as required.
f. Assembly of M9 Gun.
Assembly is reverse of this disassembly of hose
(1) Place the barrel in line with the valve body.
Engage key on the barrel in slot in the valve. Screw the
knurled locknut onto the valve body handtight.
(2) Insert the connector into rubber tubing.