TM 3-1040-220-12&P
be used in a helicopter a corrugated hose with tiedowns
the base. Check the notches in the container neck and
and clamps must be used. It is the responsibility of
the nozzle for alignment. If they are in alignment, grind
organizational maintenance personnel to insure that the
off a portion of the handle so that the handle clears the
M9 gun will function when used. There is no better
method to insure this than for organizational
f. Test Firing. Fill the agent container (para 4-5) with T1
maintenance personnel to disassemble (if assembled)
and reassemble the M9 guns. Assemble the M9 gun as
compressed gas cylinders in accordance with
(1) The M9 gun is shown disassembled in figure B-7 of
this manual. Place the barrel assembly in line with the
Used Equipment
valve body. Engage the key on the barrel assembly in
a. General. Service a used disperser in the same
the slot of the valve body. Screw the locknut handtight
onto the threads of the valve body.
b. Inspection. Examine the disperser closely for signs of
(2) Insert the connector into one end of the rubber tube.
wear, damage, or missing parts. Correct deficiencies or
(3) Hold the assembled valve body and barrel assembly
notify direct support maintenance personnel. Check that
in a vertical position with the barrel assembly end facing
disperser is not contaminated. If it is contaminated,
down. Depress the trigger safety. Squeeze and hold the
decontaminate using procedures prescribed in
trigger open.
(4) Slide the rubber tube into the gun body until the
Disperser Installation and Tiedown
connector seats against the valve body. Release the
Organizational maintenance personnel are responsible
for mounting the fully serviced disperser in the helicopter
(5) Insert the sleeve into the rubber tube at barrel
or ground vehicle. The disperser is transportable on any
assembly end. (Stretch the rubber tube if necessary and
vehicle (helicopter or ground vehicle) having adequate
push the sleeve by hand into the rubber tube as far as it
cargo space that will accommodate the disperser for on-
will go.)
vehicle operation. Use aircraft cargo tiedowns (7, fig. 1-
(6) Position the collar over the protruding end of the
2) to fasten the disperser to the helicopter or the cargo
sleeve. Secure the collar to the barrel assembly using
carrier beed. After installing the disperser with the cargo
three setscrews.
tiedowns, maneuver the vehicle to check the tightness of
e. Check Operation of Ball Valve. Operate ball valve
the tiedowns. Tighten any loosened tiedowns.
hose assembly during charging of
4-4. Charging Compressed Gas Cylinders
compressed gas cylinders. If either the
charging hose or the connections fail,
the remaining portion of the charging
hose will "whiparound" and may injure
Do not charge the compressed gas cylinders if
personnel in its path.
the angle valve (11, fig. 2-1) has a pipe fitting
seal on the base of the valve. Return disperser
4-5. Filling Agent Container
to direct support maintenance.
a. General. Inspect the compressed gas cylinders for
a. General, The M5 disperser must be charged and filled
damage. Check that working parts (valve shafts and
before it is installed in a helicopter or vehicle. Refer to
handles and quick-disconnect couplings) are not
TM 3-1040-221-12 for charging procedures. Conduct
damaged. Check that 4'/2 year volumetric-hydrostatic
the filling operation downwind from friendly personnel
test date has not expired (para 4-lb(7) ).
and equipment. Check to see that all valves on the
disperser are closed and that gages indicate zero.
b. Removal of Agent Container from Base. Disconnect
AN-M4 compressor. Refer to technical manual TM 3-
the output hose assembly from the low pressure
4310-100-10 for operating instructions on the
nonmetallic hose assembly by separating the quick-
disconnect coupling halves. Release three luggage
20&P for maintenance instructions.
catches that secure the agent container to the base. Lift
the agent container from
themselves away from the charging