TM 9-2350-238-10OPERATION OF AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT–CONTINUEDINSTALLING COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT– CONTINUEDReceiver-transmitters RT-66/GR, RT-67/GR,and RT-68/GR provide intervehicle com-munication. Sets are identical in shape andsize and differ only in frequency band inwhich they operate.Components for each radio set are installedon mounting MT-297/GR. Mounting is a steel-frame unit with equally spaced, recessedchannels, running from front to rear. Latchesfor locking feet of components in channelsare activated by levers along front edge ofmounting. Shock mounts attach mountingsurface to holddown plates. U-shaped ter-minal box contains power and control wiringconnections.Power supply PP-112/GRC is a 24-voltvibrator which powers receiver-transmitter.AF amplifier AM-65/GRC contains audioamplifier and mixer circuits necessary to pro-vide interphone communication and radiomonitoring at control box C-375/GRC.2-101
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