TM 9-2350-238-10OPERATION OF AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT–CONTINUEDOPERATJIVG GAS-PARTICULATE FILTER UNIT–CONTINUEDGAS FILTER REPLACEMENT UNITSType of AttackDurationofattack(min)2468101214161820Ground-deliverednerveagents(units used)1/211 1/222 1/233 1/244 1/25Each air-delivered nerveagent attack andall blister agentattacks exceptCX (units used)1234678910CX(unitsused)5102030405060708090100CX and ailother agentsincludingunidentifiedagents (unitsused)6121824303642485460An attack lasting less than 2 minutes is considered to have a duration of 2 minutes. An attacklasting longer than 2 minutes but less than 4 minutes is considered to have a duration of 4minutes. Similar consideration is given to attacks up to 20 minutes.To calculate number of units used in an attack longer than 20 minutes, the following formulamay be used: Multiply duration (number of minutes) by number of units shown on line 1 of ap-propriate attack column and divide by 2. For example, a filter exposed to a 30-minute air-delivered nerve agent attack would use 15 replacement units, as follows:30 minutesx 1 unit—— — —2= 15 units12 After operation, perform after operationpreventive maintenance checks andservices.INSTALLING COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENTradio set AN/VRC-13, -14, or -15 with inter-phone. These radio sets provide for crew in-tercommunication and for voice communica-Make sure communicationtion between other vehicles, aircraft, and fieldequipment is off before startingunits. Maximum reliable distance for theseengine.radios is 50 miles (80.5 km). See TM 11-291or TM 11-5820-401-10-1, supplied withThe M578 recovery vehicle is equipped withequipment, for detailed instructions on thea radio set AN/VRC-46 with interphone or ause of radio equipment.2-96
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