TM 9-2350-238-10OPERATION OF AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT–CONTINUEDINSTALLING COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT– CONTINUEDRadio receiver-transmitter RT-524/VRC pro-vides frequency modulated (FM) voice com-munication in frequency range of 30 to 75.95mcs. Receiver-transmitter is manually tunedand covers entire frequency range. The frontpanel of RT-524/VRC houses a loud speaker.Control boxes, audio accessories, cables, andintercommunication components are not partof basic radio set, but are furnished as in-dividual parts in installation unit. All cableassemblies used with radio set terminate inpin and socket connectors.Mounting MT-1029/VRC is a steel frame unitfor supporting RT-524/VRC. Two latchingthumbscrews engage two holddown tabs tosecure receiver-transmitter. Five shockmounts attach top tray mounting surface tobottom mounting plate. A terminal box, at leftrear of mounting, contains power and wiringconnections.Audio frequency amplifier AM-1780/VRChouses amplifier and is main junction box forattaching components of communicationsystem. Selection of modes of operation isavailable with amplifier. A set of fieldtelephone binding posts is located on facepanel of amplifier provided for external fieldoperation.2-98
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