TM 9-2350-238-10OPERATION OF AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT–CONTINUEDOPERATING GAS-PARTICULATE FILTER UNIT–CONTINUED1234567CREW GAS-PARTICULATECheck that each hose assembly (1) issecurely attached to quick-disconnectoutlet (2) on side of air purifier (3).Check that electrical power cable (4) issecurely connected to connector on backof air purifier (3).Check that unused quick-disconnectoutlets (2) on air purifier (3) are coveredwith air flow control caps (5).Check that MASTER switch (6) ondriver’s instrument panel is in ONposition.Put on protective mask and adjustfacepiece (7).Slide spring clip (8) off air intake holes inair purifier (3) until openings are com-pletely uncovered.Set AIR PURIFIER switch (9) to ON.NOTEMake sure air purifier isoperating by placing hand near891011FILTER UNITdust outlets on end plate of unitand detecting a small butnoticeable flow of air.Remove air hose (1) from holding clip(10) and couple to canister (1 1 ) of pro-tective mask.Reverse above steps when stopping gas-particulate filter unit.Record duration of any chemical attackand type of agent used.Do not remove contaminatedfilters from filter unit. NotifyNBC unit maintenance officerassigned to remove and disposeof contaminated filters.Compute remaining protective capabilityof filter unit. Refer to chart on page2-96. Notify NBC unit maintenance per-sonnel when 100 replacement units havebeen used.2-95
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