TM 9-2350-238-10c. If YourTroubleshootEquipment Fails to Operate.with proper equipment. Reportany deficiencies using the proper forms. SeeDA PAM 738-750.PMCS PROCEDURESa.Perform PMCS each day vehicle isoperated. If vehicle is not being operatedregularly, start and run engine for approx-imately 1/2 hour at least once a week. Whileengine is running, exercise crane controls.Perform only the PMCS required for runningengine and checking crane controls.b. Perform weekly as well as beforeoperations PMCS and check fluid levels if:(1) You are the assigned operator andhave not ‘operated the item since the lastweekly.(2) You are operating the item for thefirst time.c. While you perform PMCS, have“checker” tools with you and keep an eyeout for the following:(1) Loose bolts. A loose bolt can be dif-ficult to spot without using a wrench.However, you can often identify loose boltsby observing loose or chipped paint aroundbolt head and bare metal or rust at its base.Tighten loose bolts.(2) Damaged welds. Damaged weldsmay be detected by observing rust or chippedpaint where cracks occur.(3) Frayed electrical wires and looseconnectors. Check electrical wiring for cracksdue to aging and exposed wires that couldcause an electrical short. Tighten looseclamps and connectors.Equipment operation is allow-able with minor leakages (classI or 11). Of course, you mustconsider the fluid capacity inthe item/system being checked/inspected. When in doubt, noti-fy unit maintenance personnel,When operating with class I orclass II leaks, continue to checkfluid levels as required in yourPMCS.Class Ill leaks should bereported to unit maintenancepersonnel.NOTEFluid leakage classificationsapply only to hull components.(4) Fluid leakage. Leaks are divided intothree classifications. Compare leak with thefollowing definitions:Class ISeepage of fluid (as in-dicated by wetness ordiscoloration) not greatenough to form drops.Class IILeakage of fluid greatenough to form drops butnot enough to causedrops to drip from itembeing checked/inspected.Class IllLeakage of fluid greatenough to form drops thatfall from the item beingchecked/inspected.d. If your equipment does not perform asrequired, refer to troubleshooting proceduresin chapter 3 for possible problems. Reportany malfunctions or failures on the proper DAForm 2404, or refer to DA PAM 738-750.e.If an assembly must be removed and/ordisassembled in order to perform PMCS, referto the maintenance procedures in chapter 3.Change 12-19
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