TM 9-2350-238-10ItemNo.8Table 2-1. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES FOR THERECOVERY VEHICLE M578–CONTINUEDIntervalBeforeItem toCheck/ServiceInstrumentPanel(Continued)Not fully MissionProcedureCapable if:cdShut engine down if oillight stays on, loud noisesoccur, or oil pressure in-dicator continues to read Opressure.Start engine and listen forunusual noises.Check instruments for properoperation:(1) Transmission OIL pressureindicator (5) - Normal pres-sure is 18 to 45 psi (124.11to 310.28 kPa) at 1,835 to1,900 rpm and above; 10 psi(68.95 kPa) at 1,000 rpm isminimum allowable.Any unusual noisesor erratic operationof engine or instru-ments.Improper operationcannot be corrected.Transmission, oilpressure, engine oilpressure, or tach-ometer inoperative.Any temperaturegauge reads high orfails to work.2-24Change 1
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