TM 9-2350-238-10ItemNo.8Table 2-1. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES FOR THERECOVERY VEHICLE M578–CONTINUEDIntervalBeforeItem toCheck/ServiceInstrumentPanelINot fully MissionProcedureCapable if:a.b.Make sure all electrical switchesin hull and cab are in off position.Turn master power switch on andinstrument power switch on.Check instruments for properoperation.(1(2(3)(4)MASTER lNDicator lamp (1)-ON.GENerator WARNING lamp(2) - ON.ENGINE-TransmissionTEMP-PRESsure lamp (3) -ON.BATTERY/generator indicator(4) in YELLOW/GREEN.GENerator WARNINGlamp or ENGINE -TransmissionTemperature -PRESsure lamp doesnot come on. BAT-TERY/generatorgauge is not inYELLOW or GREEN.2-23
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