TM 9-2350-238-34-2
Disassembly and reassembly of
valves should be performed in a
clean, dry, dust-free area to prevent
entry of foreign matter.
1 Remove four counterbalance manifold
machine bolts (1), four Iockwashers (2),
and counterbalance manifold assembly (3).
2 Remove two manifold tee tube cam (4),
3 Remove manifold tee tube cap {14), check
two fitting to tee metal tube assemblies
(5), two check valve to tee metal tube
valve to tee metal tube assembly (15),
metal fitting tube assembly (16), valve
assemblies (6), two valve tube tees (7),
tube tee (17), check valve to tube pipe
two flow control fluid restrictors (8), two
elbow (18), flow control fluid restrictor
preformed packings (9), and two check
(19), and preformed packing (20) from
valve to tube pipe elbows (10) from pres-
pressure relief valve (21) and multiple cen-
sure relief valve (11), pressure relief valve
nector (13).
(12), and multiple connector (13).