TM 9-2350-238-34-22-23. MAINTENANCE OF PLANETARY (BOOM) WINCH (CONT).REASSEMBLY (CONT)8 Position shaft of stage three boom winchcarrier assembly (11) in reaction endsupport (9) so that two tapped holes arealigned with centerline of reaction endsupport as shown.9 Install drum support retaining ringgroove of stage three boom winchassembly (11).(12) incarrier10 Install new cylinder adapter plate gasket(13) and control cylinder mountingadapter plate (14) on shaft of stagethree boom winch carrier assembly (11).Make sure control cylinder mountingadapter plate is installed in same positionto mounting lugs of reaction end support(9) as shown.11 Install six machine screws (15) and tor-que to 5 ft-lb (7 N-m).2-56
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