TM 9-2350 -238-34-219 Install new preformed packing (25),winch cylinder control collar (26), andtwo hexagon plain nuts (27) on brakerod of stage one boom winch carrierassembly (24). Hand-tighten hexagonplain nuts.Hydraulic system is under highpressure. Follow hydraulic systemsafety procedures to prevent injury(TM 9-2350-238-20-2). Wipe upspilled hydraulic fluid.NOTERefer to TM 9-4940-468-14 for step20 setup procedures.20 Connect hydraulic line to intake port ofwinch control cylinder (17). Apply 200psi (1379 kPa) hydraulic pressure towinch control cylinder. Maintain evenpressure until motor and housing areassembled to cable reel (1).Make sure plate (10915157) andplate (10908659) are installed oneafter another until all fifteen platesare installed.21 Install eight new plates (28), seven newplates (29), and new winch housing re-taining ring (30) on stage one boomwinch carrier assembly (24) inside cablereel (l).2-59
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