TM 9-2350-256-103-13. ACETYLENE CYLINDER AND REGULATOR VALVE REPLACEMENT-Continued.(5)Loosen nut (12) and remove regulatorvalve (13).(6)Install hull outlet fitting plug (14).b.Installation.(1)Put acetylene cylinder (11) in cabinet andremove safety cap (10). Aline regulatorvalve outlet (9) with hull outlet tube (8).Tighten nut (7).(2)Install bracket (5), screws (3), and lockwashers (4), and close stowage cabinet door (2).(3)Hook top rear of hinge assembly (1) and swing it toward stowage cabinet door (2).(4)Remove hull outlet fitting plug (14).(5)Position regulator valve (13) gages so they can be easily read.(6)Tighten nut (12).(7)Refer to TM 9-237 for regulator valve operation instructions.3-56 Change 1PIN: 015409-001¶U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE:1998-646-039/80033
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