TM 9-2350-256-20CHAPER 1: lNTRODUCTION1 - 1 8 T R A N S M I S S I O N A N D O U T P U T R E D U C T I O N D R I V E S - C o n t i n u e db. HYDRAULIC AND LUBRICATION SYSTEMFunctions:Applies force for clutch rangesPower transmitting medium in torque converterLubricant For entire transmissionCooling medium for entire transmission1 Right output reduction drive2 Left output reduction drive3 Cross-drive transmissionFigure 1-10. Transmission andOutput Reduction Drives.1 - 1 9 T R A C K S A N D S U S P E N S I O N S Y S T E M SNOTE1 Roadwheels2 Track support rollersThe following callouts are found in Figure 1-11.3 Compensating idler wheel4 Compensating idler link5 Track drive huh and sprocketThe suspension system on each side of the vehicle 6 Trackconsists of six pairs of individually sprung roadwheels(l), three track support rollers (2), a compensating idlerwheel (3), a compensating idler link (4), a track drivehub and sprocket (5) and a track (6).Primary springing is accomplished by individualtorsion-bars for each roadwheel. Secondary springingis accomplished by dual volute bumper springs onnumbers 1 and 6 roadwheels. Bump stop brackets arewelded to the hull over roadwheel numbers 2 through5 to limit torsion bar windup beyond allowable limits.Shock absorbers are attached between the first, second,and sixth roadwheel arms and the hull on each side ofthe vehicle. Each track consists of 84 rubber shoeassemblies. The individual links are held together byFigure l-11. Tracks and Suspension Systems.1-28 Change 1
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