SECTlON V: TROUBLESHOOTINGTM 9-2350-256-20WARNINGRemove all jewelry such as rings, dog tags ,bracelets, etc. If jewelry contacts a metalsurface a direct short may result in instantheating of tools, damage to equipment, andinjury or death to personnel.G Reconnect wire K of bulkhead to engine bracket andrear fuel tank transmitter wiring harness to 15 Acircuit breaker. Remove engine deck (seeparagraph 9-51). Disconnect wire K of batteries tomaster relay voltage regulator and slave receptaclewiring harness at connector near engine disconnectbracket. Place red lead of multimeter in femaleconnector of wire K and black lead to ground. TurnMASTER switch on and check for voltage. TurnMASTER switch OFF. If voltage is present, go tostep H. If voltage is not present, repair/replacewire K of bulkhead to engine bracket and rear fueltank transmitter wiring harness from 15 A circuitbreaker to connector (see paragraph 6-73 for dualvoltage; 6-74 for single voltage).H Reconnect wire K of batteries to master relay,voltage regulators, slave receptacle, and enginedisconnect wiring harness at connector. Disconnectbatteries to master relay, voltage regulators, slavereceptacle, and engine disconnect wiring harnessfrom engine disconnect bracket. Place red lead ofmultimeter in socket A of wire K and black lead toground. Turn MASTER switch on and check forvoltage. Turn MASTER switch OFF. If voltage ispresent, go to step I. If voltage is not present,repair/replace wire K of batteries to master relay,voltage regulators, slave receptacle, and enginedisconnect wiring harness (see paragraph 6-41 fordual voltage; 6-42 for single voltage).I Reconnect batteries to master relay, voltageregulators, slave receptacle, and engine disconnectwiring harness to engine disconnect. Disconnectwire K of starter module wiring harness from enginewiring harness near engine disconnect. Place redlead of multimeter in female connector of wire Kand black lead to ground. Turn MASTER switch onand check for voltage. Turn MASTER switch OFF.If voltage is present, repair/replace wire K ofengine wiring harness (see paragraph 6-58 for dualvoltage; 6-59 for single voltage). If voltage is notpresent, repair/replace wire K of module starterwiring harness (see paragraph 6-40).2-363(2-364 blank)
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