SECTlON V: TROUBLESHOOTINGTM 9-2350-256-20WARNINGRemove all jewelry such as rings, dog tags,bracelets, etc. If jewelry contacts a metalsurface a direct short may result in instantheating of tools, damage to equipment, andinjury or death to personnel.W Reconnect driver's vehicle exhaust smoke bracket tobulkhead connect wiring harness to driver's switchplate disconnect. Disconnect wire 26B atcommander's VEHICLE EXHAUST SMOKE switch.Place red lead of multimeter on wire 26B and blacklead to ground. Turn MASTER switch on and checkfor voltage. Turn MASTER switch OFF. If voltageis present, go to step X. If voltage is not presentrepair/replace wire 26B of commander's switchplate to driver's vehicle exhaust smoke bracketwiring harness (see paragraph 6-94).X Reconnect wire 26B to commander's VEHICLEEXHAUST SMOKE switch. Disconnect wire T fromcommander's VEHICLE EXHAUST SMOKE switch.Place red lead of multimeter on wire T and blacklead to ground. Turn MASTER and commander'sVEHICLE EXHAUST SMOKE switches ON andcheck for voltage. Turn MASTER and cornmander’sVEHICLE EXHAUST SMOKE switches OFF. Ifvoltage is present, repair/replace wire T ofcommander's switch plate to driver's vehicleexhaust smoke bracket wiring harness (seeparagraph 6-94). If voltage is not present, replacecommander's VEHICLE EXHAUST SMOKE switch(see paragraph 16-5).Y Reconnect switch panel to gage panel andmiscellaneous switches wiring harness to mainswitch panel. Install main switch panel (5), flatwasher (4), ground lead (3), three lockwashers (2),and three screws (1) to mounting bracket. Open airinlet door. Disconnect wire 48 pin A from bulkheadto master relay wiring harness. Place redmultimeter lead in socket and black lead to ground.Turn MASTER switch on and check for voltage.Turn MASTER switch OFF. If voltage is present,repair/replace switch panel, radio, and bilge pumpto bulkhead wiring harness (see paragraph 6-53).If voltage is not present, troubleshoot master relaycircuit (see paragraph 2-19, master relay fails tooperate).2-359
Integrated Publishing, Inc. - A (SDVOSB) Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business