SECTlON V: TROUBLESHOOTINGTM 9-2350-256-20WARNINGRemove all jewelry such as rings, dog tags ,bracelets, etc. If jewelry contacts a metalsurface a direct short may result in instantheating of tools, damage to equipment, andinjury or death to personnel.L Reconnect driver's vehicle exhaust smoke bracket tobulkhead connection wiring harness to driver'sswitch plate disconnect. Open air inlet doors (TM9-2350-256-10). Disconnect bulkhead to enginebracket and rear fuel tank transmitter wiringharness from bulkhead disconnect. Place red leadof multimeter in socket C of wire T and black lead toground. Turn MASTER and driver's VEHICLEEXHAUST SMOKE switches ON and check forvoltage. Turn MASTER and driver's VEHICLEEXHAUST SMOKE switches OFF. If voltage ispresent, go to step M. If voltage is not present,repair/replace wire T of driver's vehicle exhaustsmoke bracket to bulkhead connection wiringharness (see paragraph 6-93).M Reconnect bulkhead to engine bracket and rear fueltank transmitter wiring harness to bulkhead.Remove engine deck (see paragraph 9-51).Disconnect smoke generating system lead assemblyfrom engine connector. Place red lead of multimeteron wire T and black lead to ground. Turn MASTERand driver's VEHICLE EXHAUST SMOKEswitches ON and check for voltage. Turn MASTERand VEHICLE EXHAUST SMOKE switches OFF.If voltage is present, got to step N. If voltage is notpresent, repair/replace wire T of exhaust smokegenerating system lead assembly (see paragraphs6-97).N Reconnect smoke generating system lead assemblyto engine connector. Disconnect fuel solenoid wiringharness from two fuel solenoids. Place red lead ofmultimeter in wire T of first fuel solenoid and blacklead to ground. Turn MASTER and driver'sVEHICLE EXHAUST SMOKE switches ON andcheck for voltage. Place red lead of multimeter inwire T of second fuel solenoid and check for voltage.If voltage is present, replace fuel solenoid (seeparagraph 16-1. If voltage is not present,repair/replace wire T of fuel solenoid wiringharness (see paragraph 6-95).2-355
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