TM 9-2350-256-34-12 - 4 3 . H y d r a u l i c O i l T a n k C o v e r A s s e m -b l i e s a n d S u c t i o n P i p ea. Hydraulic Oil Tank Top Couer Assemblies.(1) Removal. Prior to removing the oil tank frontand rear top cover assemblies, remove subfloor plates9, 10, 11 (fig. 2-3), disconnect five hydraulic lines(View C, fig. 2-39) and remove fittings (TM 9-2350-256-20). Remove the oil tank top cover assemblies asshown in figure 2-42.(2) Installation. Install the hydraulic oil tankfront and rear top cover assemblies in reverse order ofremoval.b. Hydraulic Oil Tank Front Cover Assembly.(1) Removal. Prior to removing the oil tank frontcover assembly, remove subfloor plate 11 (fig. 2-3),dram the tank below the level of the cover, disconnecthydraulic lines (View A, fig. 2-39) and remove fittings(TM 9-2350-256-20). Remove the oil tank front coverassembly in the same manner as the top cover assem-blies (fig. 2-42).(2) lnstallation. Install the oil tank front cover as-sembly in reverse order of removal and fill tank (TM9-2350-256-20).Figure 2-42. Hydraulic oil tank top covers - removal and installation.c. Hydraulic 0i1 Tank Suction Pipe.(1) Removal. The suction pipe is located inside theoil tank directly behind the oil filter. Prior to removingthe suction pipe, drain the oil tank below the level ofthe filter and remove the top rear tank cover (a above).Remove four screws and lock washers and the two splitflanges holding the suction pipe. Remove the suctionpipe and packing.(2) Installation. Install the suction pipe and pack-ing in reverse order of removal and refill the tank (TM9-350-256-20).2 - 4 4 . F o r w a r d F u e l T a n k A s s e m b l yNOTEThe tank may be stripped of all fittings, fuel- pump and sending unit, while installed, forventilation purposes (TM 9-2350-256-20).a. Prior Operations. Prior to removal of the forwardfuel tank, perform the following operations:(1) Remove commander’s and rigger’s seats, hoistwinch cable chute and the drain valve controls andcontrol lever bracket (TM 9-2350-256-20). Removesubfloor plates 3. 5, 9, 10, 11, 12. 13, 14, 17, 18, 20.21, 22 and 24 (fig. 2-3).(2) Remove main winch and spade assembly (para2-25) and hoist winch assembly (para 2-35). Removemechanical transmission and hydraulic pump assem-bly (para 2-32) and hydraulic system oil tank assembly(para 2-40).(3) Disconnect mechanical transmission powertakeoff drive shaft at main engine and remove shaftentirely (fig. 2-30).(4) Remove auxiliary power unit control box andbracket and the shift and throttle control componentsmounted on floor plates (TM 9-2350-256-20). Re-move any stowage racks and boxes interfering with re-moval of the tank (TM 9-2350-256-20).(5) Support rear (lower) end of hydraulic controlpanel (subplate) by opening operator’s and mechanic’shatches and looping a chain through the hatches.Secure the chain to lower end of panel to support it.Remove attaching bolts at rear support bracket and re-move subfloor plate 1 (fig. 2-3).b. Remoual. Remove the forward fuel tank assemblyas shown in figure 2-43.2-74Change 8
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