TM 9-2350-256-34-1Figure 2-36. Hoist winch motor—removal and installation.b. Installation. Install the hoist winch motor andmanifold in reverse order of removal.2-38. Main Winch and Hoist Winch BrakeCylindersa. General. The main winch and hoist winchbrake cylinders are identical and are replaced in thesame manner. Remove subfloor plate 2 (fig. 2-3) foraccess to the main winch brake adjusting screw andopen subfloor plate 5 (fig. 2-3) for access to the hoistwinch brake adjusting screw. The brake adjustingscrew, which compresses the brake cylinder springs,must be loosened prior to removal of the brake cylin-der and readjusted after installation.b. Removal. Remove subfloor plate 3 (fig. 2-3)for main winch brake cylinder and plate 4 for hoistwinch brake cylinder access. Remove the main win-ch or hoist winch brake cylinder as shown in figure2-37.c. Test. Prior to installation, test the main winchor hoist winch brake cylinder as shown in View C,figure 2-37.2-69
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