TM 9-2350-256-34-1Section Il. TROUBLESHOOTING2-5.a.NOTEInformation in this section is for use bydirect support and general support(DS/GS) maintenance personnel in con-junction with and as a supplement to thetroubleshootings e c t i o n intheorganizational maintenance manual. Itprovides continuation of instructionswhere a remedy in the organizationalmanual refers to DS/GS maintenance per-sonnel for corrective action.scopeThis section contains troubleshooting ormalfunction information and tests for locating andcorrecting most of the troubles which may developin the Recovery Vehicle, M88A1. Each malfunctionor trouble symptom for an individual component,unit or system is followed by a list of tests or in-spections necessary for you to determine probablecauses and suggested corrective actions for you toremedy the malfunction.b. This manual cannot list all possible malfunc-tions that may occur or all tests or inspections, andcorrective actions. If a malfunction is not listed (ex-cept when malfunction and cause are obvious) or isnot corrected by listed corrective actions, youshould notify higher level maintenance.c. Table 2–2 lists the common malfunctions thatyou may find during the operation or maintenanceof the M88A1 or its components. You should per-form the tests/inspections and corrective actions inthe order listed.NOTEBefore you use this table, be sure youhave performed all normal operationalchecks. If you have a malfunction whichis not listed in this table, notify the nexthigher level of maintenance.NOTERefer to TM 9-2350-256-34-2 fortroubleshooting main and auxiliaryhydraulic systems.Table 2-2. TroubleshootingMALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPEC’TIONCORRECTIVE ACTIONFUEL TANKS1.FUEL LEAKING FROM FORWARD FUEL TANKSInspect forward fuel tank for cracks or open seams. Fuel leaking thru a small crack can usually be detected by dust clingjng to thewet area.a.If leaking area is accessible without removing the fuel tank:(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)Drain the fuel system (TM 9-2350-256-20, Medium Recovery Vehicle, M88A1).Close fuel valves to left and right rear fuel tanks.Remove the armor cover under the hull to expose the forward fuel tank drain plug. Remove the drain plug.Remove electric intank fuel pump (TM 9-2350-256-20, Medium Recovery Vehicle, M88A1).Slush tank interior with methy lene chloride (pure) or chemical cleaner as specified in TB 750-1047,Elimination of Combustibles From Interiors of Metal or Plastic Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Tanks, to removeresidual fuel, dirt, sediment and other foreign matter. Drain and air dry tank.Weld cracked area as required.Close forward fuel tank bypass valve and drain valve. Install drain plug in bottom of tank.Install electric fuel pump (TM 9-2350-256-20, Medium Recovery Vehicle, M88A1).Disconnect the fuel vent hope on top of the forward fuel tank.Connect an air hose and suitable gage to the disconnected vent opening in the forward fuel tank, apply 3-4 psiinternal air pressure.Apply soapy water solution, consisting of liquid soap diluted with 20-40% water, to all exterior surfaces oftank and inspect for air bubble formation.Mark location of any bubble formation, release air pressure, rinse and dry tank and weld the marked area.Repeat points (10), (11), and (12) if required.b. If leaking area is inaccessible with the fuel tank installed:(1)Drain the fuel system (TM 9-2350-256-20, Medium Recovery Vehicle, M88A1).(2)Remove the forward fuel tank from the vehicle (TM 9-2350-256-20, Medium Recovery Vehicle, M88A1).(3)Slush tank interior with methylene chloride (pure) or chemical cleaner as specified in TB 750-1047,Elimination of Combustibles From Interiors of Metal or Plastic Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Tanks, to removeresidue] fuel, dirt, sediment and other foreign matter. Drain and air dry tank.2-6C h a n g e 2
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