TM 9-2350-256-34
0051 00
22. Install pin (56), outer plate (55), lockwasher (54), and screw (53).
23. Install spade actuating cylinder (50) and fittings (52) and connect hoses (51).
24. Using wood block and hammer, install pivot pin (49) to end of spade actuating cylinder (50).
25. Repeat steps 18 thru 24 for other side.
26. Install spring latch housing assembly (48), eight lockwashers (47), and screws (46).
27. Install cable guide plate (45), two half bushings (44), covers (43), retainers (42), eight lockwashers (41), screws (40), two
guides (39), eight lockwashers (38), and screws (37) to cover assembly (36).
28. Install cable roller assembly (35), 16 lockwashers (34), and screws (33) to cover assembly (36).
0051 00-25