TM 9--2350--292--100100 00--3WINCH ELECTRICAL SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING -- CONTINUED0100 00WINCH DRUM MALFUNCTION INDICATOR COMES ONStep 1. Remove floor plates. Check for hydraulic leaks at level winder. Check that quick--disconnect on hose33 and 34 (hydraulics for level winder) is properly connected.Connect quick--disconnect, tighten connections, or notify unit maintenance if there are any damagedhoses.HOSE 33HOSE 34FLOORPLATEFLOORPLATESCheck for cable problems including birdnesting, skipped wraps, kinks, broken strands, excess mud/debrisbuildup, misalignment between cable on drum and trumpet. Check for damage to level wind drive chainand sprockets. Remove two thumbscrews and raise diamond screw cover. Check for damage to levelwind components, check damaged/missing shoulder bolt or plate at the diamond screw to level wind inter-face.If there is damage to winch, level winder, cable, drive chain, or sprockets, or if shoulder bolt or plate ismissing or damaged, do not operate winch. Notify unit maintenance.DIAMOND SCREWCOVERSHOULDERBOLTPLATELEVEL WINDDRIVE CHAINDIAMOND SCREW/LEVEL WINDINTERFACELEVEL WINDDRIVE SPROCKETSTHUMBSCREWStep 2. Use WINCH OVERRIDE switch and main winch operating lever to intermittently pay out and inhaulwinch cable to make sure main winch cable is wrapping and unwrapping properly during inhaul andpayout. Maintaining cable tension, use WINCH OVERRIDE switch and carefully payout main winchcable just past the point where spooling malfunction occurred. Correct spooling malfunction.Step 3. If problem still exists, notify unit maintenance.
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