TM 9--2350--292--100101 00--18PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES INCLUDINGLUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONS -- CONTINUED0101 00TABLE 2 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES, DURING--CONTINUEDItem No.Not Fully MissionCapable If:CREWMEMBERProcedureLOCATIONItem toCheck/ServiceIntervalENGINECOMPARTMENTDRIVERThis engine oil level check methodshould only be used when it isimpractical to wait at least two hourswith the engine stopped.CAUTIONNOTECheck oil level during extended mis-sions at least every 8 hours with enginerunning. Verify oil level using enginestopped method (Table 6, WP 0101 00)as soon as possible.Engine must be idling for at least 5 min-utes and oil temperature is less than140°F (60C).5DuringEngine Oil LevelChecka. Park vehicle on a level surface.b. Open engine deck door (WP 0031 00).FORWARDENGINE DECKDOOR
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