TM 9--2350--292--100101 00--19PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES INCLUDINGLUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONS -- CONTINUED0101 00TABLE 2 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES, DURING--CONTINUEDItem No.Not Fully MissionCapable If:CREWMEMBERProcedureLOCATIONItem toCheck/ServiceIntervalDRIVER5 contDuringEngine Oil LevelCheck --Continuedc. Open engine oil check access door.d. Open ENGINE OIL LEVEL door.e. Remove oil gauge rod and wipe clean.Insert oil gauge rod in gauge tube. Removeoil gauge rod. Verify oil level on ENG.IDLING RANGE side of oil gauge rod iswithin ENG. IDLING RANGE marks.ENGINE OIL CHECKACCESS DOORENGINE OIL LEVELACCESS DOOROIL GAUGE RODENGINEOIL LEVELENG. IDLING RANGEWARNINGEngine oil can be ignited by hot engine sur-faces. To avoid engine fire, use offset fun-nel (item 45, Table 2, WP 0128 00) and util-ity jug (item 46, Table 2, WP 0128 00) toadd engine oil, clean oil from around oil fill-er tube area with wiping rags (item 45, WP0130 00) after filling. Make sure engine oilfiller tube cap is tight and engine oil fill ac-cess door is closed and latched.
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