TM 9--2350--292--100101 00--36PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES INCLUDINGLUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONS -- CONTINUED0101 00TABLE 3 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES, AFTER--CONTINUEDItem No.Not Fully MissionCapable If:CREWMEMBERProcedureLOCATIONItem toCheck/ServiceInterval14 contAfterTransmissionOil Level --ContinuedDRIVERNOTE1/2 inch (12.7 mm) on oil gauge rodequals about one gallon of oil.Oil level belowADD mark.h. If indicated oil level is below ADD mark onoil gauge rod, add enough proper grade oil(Table 6, WP 0101 00) to transmission tobring oil level between ADD and FULL marks.i. Restart engine (WP 0012 00) and warmtransmission oil to 180to 200F (82to93C).j. Shut down engine (WP 0019 00).OIL GAUGE RODCHECK OIL -- ENGINE STOPPEDTo verify that proper transmission oillevel is present, it is very importantthat transmission oil level is at correcttemperature and that correct amountof time, 3 to 5 minutes, has passedbefore reading oil gauge rod. Failureto comply may result in an inaccurateoil level reading. If vehicle is operatedwith transmission oil levelbelow ADDmark, reliability and durability oftransmission assembly may bereduced.CAUTIONk. Check transmission level again to verifythat oil levels are between ADD and FULLmarks.l. Re--install oil gauge rod into transmissionoil filler tube. Close left side engine deckexhaust grille and exhaust deflector WP0032 00).FILL CAP ANDGAUGE RODACCESSDOORSCHECK OIL -- ENGINE STOPPED
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