TM 9--2350--292--10EXTREME HOT WEATHER MAINTENANCE0119 00THIS WORK PACKAGE COVERS:Extreme Hot Weather MaintenanceINITIAL SETUP:Materials/PartsLubricating oil, preservative (item 20, WP 0130 00)Compound, Silicone (item 38, WP 0130 00)Cloth, Abrasive Crocus (item 7, WP 0130 00)Personnel RequiredThreeReferencesWP 0130 00TM 9--1005--213--101. Batteries.• Electrolyte level -- In hot climates, check electrolyte level daily.• Specific gravity -- Batteries should have a weaker electrolyte in hot areas (1.200 to 1.225 at full charge). Havespecific gravity level checked by unit maintenance.• Self--discharge -- A battery will self--discharge faster if left standing for long periods in high temperatures. Ifthe vehicle is parked for several days, have the batteries removed by unit maintenance and stored in a coolplace.2. HullandCrewCompartment.In hot, damp areas, corrosion will occur on all parts of the materiel. It will appear as rust and paint blisters onmetal surfaces and mildew, mold, or fungus growth on fabric and glass. Protect all unfinished, exposed metalsurfaces with a film of preservative lubricating oil. Cables and terminals should be protected by siliconecompound.WARNINGFrequently inspect inactive vehicles. Remove corrosion from exterior with abrasivepaper or cloth and apply a protective coating of paint, oil or suitable rust preventative.3. Armament.Inspect parts often for moisture or corrosion. Thoroughly dry all exposed, unpainted surfaces such as machinegun bore, breech and firing mechanisms, and oil as prescribed in TM 9--1005--213--10. In dry, dusty, or sandyareas, leave exposed surfaces, such as recoil slides, free of oil or preservative. Combining the oil with sandmakes an abrasive paste far more damaging than no oil at all. At other times keep these surfaces lubricated toprevent rusting.4. VisionDevices.Inspect parts for moisture, corrosion, or fungus growth. In dry, dusty or sandy areas, keep exposed opticalsurfaces protected from blowing sand and dirt.END OF TASK0119 00--1/2 blank
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