TM 9--2350--292--20--10096 00--10AUXILIARY WINCH FAILS TO OPERATE OR DEVELOP FULL POWER --CONTINUED0096 00TIs pressure less than 40 psi?CONTINUED FROM STEP Snoyes1. Install a 0--300 psi dial pressure gauge with1/4--inch tee between auxiliary winch motorcase drain port and hose.2. Start main engine and main hydraulics system(TM 9--2350--292--10).3. Set engine speed to 1800 rpm.4. Payout auxiliary winch cable at full speed.5. Read pressure on gauge at case drain.6. Shut down engine and hydraulics(TM 9--2350--292--10).Notify Direct Support Maintenance.UIs oil free of hydraulic fluid?noyesDrain oil from auxiliary winch drum.Notify Direct SupportMaintenance.Refill drum to proper level(TM 9--2350--292--10).Verify fault is corrected.VIs check valve and hose free of restrictions?noyesCheck auxiliary winch motor case drain check valveand hose for restrictions.Clear hose and check valveof restrictions and performstep U of this task. Verifyfault is corrected.CONTINUED FROM STEP SCONTINUED ONNEXT PAGEWARNING
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