TM 9--2350--292--20--10096 00--7AUXILIARY WINCH FAILS TO OPERATE OR DEVELOP FULL POWER --CONTINUED0096 00noyesReplace auxiliary winch(WP 0513 00). Verify faultis corrected.CONTINUED FROM STEP MN1. Disconnect hoses from ports AWI and AWO onthe hydraulic control valve manifold assembly.Cap hoses.2. Install 0--4000 psi testing gauge assembly on portsAWI and AWO.3. Start main engine, energize hydraulics and setengine speed to 1800 rpm(TM 9--2350--292--10).4. Place auxiliary winch directional control valvelever in the payout position and record gaugereadings.5. Place auxiliary winch directional control valvelever in the inhaul position and record gaugereadings.6. Shut down hydraulics and main engine(TM 9--2359--292--10).OIs pressure at AWR port 140 psi or less?1. Install 0--4000 psi testing gauge assembly with3/4--inch tee between port AWR and connectinghose on hydraulic control valve manifoldassembly.2. Perform step N steps 3 thru 6.noyesNotify Direct Support Maintenance.Is AWI pressure reading 140 psi or less in payout posi-tion and AWO pressure reading is 140 psi or less in in-haul position?CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGEWARNINGWARNING
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