TM 9--2350--292--20--10096 00--3AUXILIARY WINCH FAILS TO OPERATE OR DEVELOP FULL POWER --CONTINUED0096 00FAre all four hoses free of leaks, damage, restrictionsand are all connections tight?noyes1. Remove subfloor plates 10, 11 and 12(WP 0454 00).2. Inspect hoses from auxiliary winch to hydrauliccontrol valve manifold assembly and cross portrelief valve for loose connections, leaks,damage and restrictions.Tighten loose connectionsand remove restrictions.Replace leaking and dam-aged hoses (WP 0514 00).Verify fault is corrected.CONTINUED FROM STEP EFORWARDIs vehicle equipped with Enhanced DiagnosticsSystem?GyesnoGo to Step Q.CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
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