TM 9--2350--292--20--10096 00--1AUXILIARY WINCH FAILS TO OPERATE OR DEVELOP FULL POWER.0096 00THIS WORK PACKAGE COVERS:Auxiliary Winch Fails To Operate Or Develop Full PowerINITIAL SETUP:Tools and Special ToolsGeneral mechanic’s tool kit (item 1, WP 0717 00)0--300 psi dial pressure gauge (item 81, WP 0717 00)0--5000 psi dial pressure gauge (2) (item 83,WP 0717 00)*1/4--inch tee (2) (item 71, WP 0716 00)1/2--inch cap (2) (item 54, WP 0716 00)*0--4000 psi testing gauge assembly (item 82,WP 0717 00)3/4--inch tee (item 74, WP 0716 00)*Safety goggles (item 93, WP 0716 00)Equipment ConditionsVehicle MASTER switch OFF (TM 9--2350--292--10)Auxiliary winch cover removed (WP 0513 00)Personnel RequiredTwo* Not required if vehicle is equipped with EnhancedDiagnostics SystemIs winch drum and housing free of obstructions?Inspect for obstructions wedged between auxiliarywinch drum and housing.noyesnoyesABCONTINUED ON NEXT PAGEInspect between the winch drum and housing andinspect the vent plug on the winch drum bearingsupport for oil leaks.Is the winch free of oil leaks?Remove obstructions. Checkoil seal for damage. If oil sealis not damaged, verify fault iscorrected. If seal is damagedor obstruction cannot be re-moved, replace auxiliarywinch (WP 0513 00).Go to Step D.WARNINGWARNINGRemove rings, bracelets, wristwatches, andneck chains before working on any vehicle.Jewelry can catch on equipment and causeinjury, or may short across an electrical circuitand cause severe burns or electrical shock.
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