TM 9--2350--292--20--10095 00--7MAIN WINCH LEVEL WINDER FAILS TO OPERATE -- CONTINUED0095 00MIs pressure at port EXT within 60 psi of pressure atsupply port P and is pressure at port RET 60 psi orless when level winder cylinder is retracting and ispressure at port RET within 60 psi of pressure atsupply port P and is pressure at port EXT 60 psi orless when level winder cylinder is extending?CONTINUED FROM STEP LnoyesCONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE1. Payin and payout main winch enough forcontrol valve plunger roller to ride up and downthe cam slope only.2. Record pressures at EXT and RET ports oflevel winder cylinder and port P of level windercontrol valve.3. Shut down hydraulic system and main engine(TM 9--2350--292--10).Go to Step O.NAre plates properly aligned and free of restrictions andbinding?Inspect the level winder subplate assembly ballisticplates for alignment, binding and restrictions.noyesNotify Direct SupportMaintenance.Remove restrictionsand free bound parts.Verify fault is corrected.If parts are damagedand must be replacednotify Direct SupportMaintenance.
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