TM 9--2350--292--20--10095 00--5MAIN WINCH LEVEL WINDER FAILS TO OPERATE -- CONTINUED0095 00JIs dual check valve free of restrictions?CONTINUED FROM STEP HnoyesInspect level winder dual check valve forrestrictions.Remove restrictions.Verify fault is corrected.KDoes roller bracket assembly, diamond screw, and tubenut follower operate properly?Inspect the roller bracket assembly, diamond screwand tube nut follower for proper operation.noyesRepair or replace bracketassembly (WP 0508 00).Verify fault is corrected. Ifdiamond screw is faulty,notify Direct SupportMaintenance.Replace shoulderbolt(WP 0508 00).Verify fault is corrected.Notify Direct SupportMaintenance.CONTINUED FROM STEP C AND GCONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
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