TM 9--2350--292--20--10095 00--3MAIN WINCH LEVEL WINDER FAILS TO OPERATE -- CONTINUED0095 00GIs pressure at port V1 within 60 psi of pressure atsupply port P and is pressure at port V2 60 psi or lesswhen level winder cylinder is retracting and is pressureat port V2 within 60 psi of pressure at supply port P andis pressure at port V1 60 psi or less when level windercylinder is extending?CONTINUED FROM STEP FnoyesCONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE1. Install 0--5000 psi dial pressure gauge with1/4--inch tee between attaching hose and portV1 on level winder dual check valve.2. Install 0--5000 psi dial pressure gauge with1/4--inch tee between attaching hose and portV2 on level winder check valve.3. Install 0--5000 psi dial pressure gauge with1/4--inch tee between pressure hose and port Pof level winder control valve.4. Install ground hop kit (WP 0498 00).5. Start main engine and energize main hydraulicsystem (TM 9--2350--292--10).6. Payin and payout main winch enough forcontrol valve plunger roller to ride up and downthe cam slope only.7. Read gauges during cylinder extraction andextension. Record readings.8. Shut down hydraulics and engine(TM 9--2350--292--10).Go to Step K.WARNING
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