TM 9--2350--292--20--10094 00--3MAIN WINCH FAILS TO HOLD LOAD -- CONTINUED0094 00CONTINUED FROM STEP CDAre hoses free of restrictions and damage?noyesInspect hoses from hoist and main winch direc-tional control valve assembly ports MI and MO tomain winch manifold and motor for restrictionsand damage.Remove restrictions.If restrictions cannotbe removed, or if thereis damage, replace(WP 0573 00). Verifyfault is corrected.EDo both gauges read 50 psi or less?1. Remove gauge from crossport relief valve test port.2. Install 0--4000 psi testing gauge assembly with1/4--inch tee between hoist and main winchdirectional control valve assembly port PMI andattaching hose.3. Install 0--4000 psi testing gauge assembly with1/4--inch tee between hoist and main winchdirectional control valve assembly port PMO andattaching hose.4. Start main engine, energize hydraulics, and setengine speed to 1800 rpm(TM 9--2350--292--10).5. With main winch control lever in hold position,record gauge readings.6. Shut down hydraulics and main engine(TM 9--2350--292--10).yesnoNotify Direct SupportMaintenance.Replace hoist and main winchdirectional control valve as-sembly (WP 0556 00). Verifyfault is corrected.FORWARDWARNINGCONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
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