TM 9--2350--292--20--10094 00--2MAIN WINCH FAILS TO HOLD LOAD -- CONTINUED0094 00CONTINUED FROM STEP AAre quick--disconnects properly connected and free ofrestrictions and damaged?Inspect quick--disconnects at main winch manifoldfor proper connection, restrictions, and damage.noyesBCONTINUED ON NEXT PAGEProperly connect. Remove re-strictions. If restrictions cannotbe removed or if quick--discon-nects are damaged, replace(WP 0500 00). Verify fault iscorrected.noyesC1. Install 0--5000 psi dial pressure gauge in themain winch motor crossport relief valvemanifold test port.2. Start main engine, energize hydraulics, andset engine speed to 1800 rpm(TM 9--2350--292--10).3. Attach a load to winch and inhaul, thenreturn winch control lever to hold positionand record gauge readings.4. Remove load, shut down hydraulics andmain engine (TM 9--2350--292--10).Does gauge read 140 psi or less?Notify Direct SupportMaintenance.FORWARDFORWARDWARNING
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