TM 9--2350--292--20--10095 00--2MAIN WINCH LEVEL WINDER FAILS TO OPERATE -- CONTINUED0095 00DIs alignment correct and all hardware tight?CONTINUED FROM STEP CnoyesCONTINUED ON NEXT PAGECheck the roller bracket assembly for properalignment and for loose hardware.Tighten loose hard-ware. Align rollerbracket assembly(WP 0508 00). Verifyfault is corrected.EAre hoses and connections free of restrictions, leaks,and damage?noyesCheck level winder hoses for restrictions, leakingconnections, and leaking and damaged hoses.Clear restrictions.Tighten or replacedamaged or leakingconnections andhoses (WP 0573 00).Verify fault is cor-rected.FnoyesIs vehicle equipped with Enhanced DiagnosticsSystem?Go to Step L.
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