TM 9--2350--292--20--10093 00--5MAIN WINCH FAILS TO RELEASE -- CONTINUED0093 00GnoyesInspect main winch quick--disconnects for properconnection, restrictions, and damage.HnoyesInspect hoses from hoist and main winch directionalcontrol valve assembly to main winch motor andmanifold for restrictions and damage.Remove restrictions. Ifrestrictions cannot be removed,or if there is damage, replace(WP 0573 00). Verify fault iscorrected.Are hoses free of restrictions and damage?Are quick--disconnects properly connected and are theyfree of restrictions and damage?CONTINUED FROM STEP ACONTINUED ON NEXT PAGEProperly connect quick--disconnects. Removerestrictions. If restrictionscannot be removed, or ifthere is damage, replace(WP 0500 00). Verify faultis corrected.FORWARDI1. Start main engine, energize hydraulics, and setengine speed to 1800 rpm(TM 9--2350--292--10).2. Start Enhanced Diagnostics System program(WP 0086 00) and select the correspondingsymptom.
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