TM 9--2350--292--20--10093 00--6MAIN WINCH FAILS TO RELEASE -- CONTINUED0093 00CONTINUED FROM STEP Inoyes1. Attempt to payout main winch and recordpressures at main winch ports PMO and PMI.2. Shut down hydraulics and main engine(TM 9--2350--292--10).Is pressure at port PMO 385--470 psi and is pressure atport PMI 50 psi or less?Notify Direct Support MaintenanceI3. Place main winch selector valve in the fullpayout position and attempt to payout winch.4. Record pressures at inhaul test port andcrossport relief valve manifold test port ofmain winch.JIs pressure at crossport relief valve test port 1100 psi orhigher and is pressure at inhaul test port 250 psi or less?FORWARDnoyesGo to WP 0091 00 Step E.1. Disconnect main winch quick--disconnects at mainwinch manifold.2. Remove plug from port LS of hoist and main winchdirectional control valve assembly.3. Disconnect hose and adapter from port LS1 of hoistand main winch directional control valve assembly.Install hose and adapter in port LS and plug port LS1.4. Start main engine, energize hydraulics, and set enginespeed to 1800 rpm (TM 9--2350--292--10).5. Place main winch control lever in the payout positionand record pressures at ports MS and X1.6. Shut down hydraulics and main engine(TM 9--2350--292--10).Are both pressure readings 4100--4300 psi?KnoyesReplace hoist and main winch direc-tional control valve assembly (WP0556 00). Verify fault is corrected.WARNINGNotify DirectSupportMaintenance.END OF TASK
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