TM 9--2350--292--20--10005 00--19THEORY OF OPERATION -- CONTINUED0005 00DEEP WATER FORDING KIT -- CONTINUEDAuxiliaryPowerUnit Preparations and precautions should be taken before and after submersion of the auxiliarypower unit to prevent corrosion and separation of hot leads due to electrolysis by exposure to salt water and thedestruction of the brushes, brush holder and armature by sand.A plug (6) is installed in the APU exhaust outlet to keep water out.PersonnelHeater The personnel heater is not operable during fording operations. The exhaust outlet (7) isplugged during fording operations and unplugged after fording operations.FireExtinguisherSystem Eight rubber fire extinguisher nozzle caps (8) protect the extinguisher system from en-trance of water and contaminants. These caps (8) are not sealed and would be blown off the nozzles upon activa-tion of the system.CrewFanAirDuctHousingandBoomFootDrains The crew fan duct seal (9) consisting of a rubber seal be-tween two metal plates fits into and seals the crew fan air duct housing.Shutoff hose clamps (10) are used to control water flow from the boom foot drains.61098710
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