TM 9--2350--292--20--10152 00--3GRENADE LAUNCHER FAILS TO OPERATE PROPERLY. SOME OR ALLTUBES FAIL TO OPERATE. ALL OTHER SYSTEMS OPERATE PROPERLY --CONTINUED0152 00FIs continuity present at both checks?CONTINUED FROM STEP EnoyesCONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE1. Place one multimeter lead on firing switchreceptacle pin A and other lead on pin E.Check for continuity.2. Place one multimeter lead on firing switchreceptacle pin B and other lead on pin D.Check for continuity.Repair or replace firingswitch assembly(TM 9--1055--642--20&P).Verify fault is corrected.GIs continuity present at all four checks?noyes1. Hold both firing switches in.2. Place one multimeter lead on firing switchreceptacle pin C and other lead on pins Band D (one at a time). Check for continuity.3. Place one multimeter lead on firing switchreceptacle pin F and other lead on pins Aand E (one at a time). Check for continuity.Repair or replace firingswitch assembly(TM 9--1055--642--20&P).Verify fault is corrected.
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