TM 9--2350--292--20--10152 00--4GRENADE LAUNCHER FAILS TO OPERATE PROPERLY. SOME OR ALLTUBES FAIL TO OPERATE. ALL OTHER SYSTEMS OPERATE PROPERLY --CONTINUED0152 00HIs 24 V dc present at all four checks?CONTINUED FROM STEP GnoyesCONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE1. Reconnect harness 4W108 to firing switchassembly.2. Disconnect harness 4W108 from leads1W112--1 and 1W112--2.3. Turn MASTER switch and ARM SMOKE switchON (TM 9--2350--292--10). Hold firing switchesin.4. Place multimeter red lead in harness 4W108lead 1W112--1 and lead 1W112--2 connectorsockets A and C (one at a time) while holdingblack lead to ground. Check for voltage.5. Release firing switches and turn MASTERswitch and ARM SMOKE switch OFF(TM 9--2350--292--10).Repair (WP 0290 00) orreplace (WP 0674 00)harness 4W108. Verifyfault is corrected.IIs continuity present at both checks?noyesPlace one multimeter lead in each harness4W108 connector socket B (one at a time) whileholding other lead to ground. Check forcontinuity.Repair (WP 0290 00) orreplace (WP 0674 00)harness 4W108connector ground leads.Verify fault is corrected.FORWARD
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