TM 9--2350--292--20--2
0692 00--6
0692 00
11. The Calibrate Transducers screen will be displayed.
12. The Calibrate Transducer Screen allows the user to calibrate one, several or all the transducers at one time. Se-
lect the transducer(s) to be calibrated by clicking on the check box in front of it. If all the transducers are to be
calibrated use the Select All button to select all the transducers.
13. Click the Calibrate button to perform the calibration. The Calibration factors are stored instantaneously in the RT
unit. The Last performed date should now indicate todays date.
14. Click the Close button to return the Enhanced Diagnostic System Troubleshooting Symptom screen.
15. If the EDS is not needed for troubleshooting close the Enhanced Diagnostic System Program.
16. Shut down the SPORT.