PISTONS - RINGS - RODSCheckingTo do so, clean carbon from top ring groove. Place aNEW ring on the groove, check the remaining space inthe groove with a feeler gauge. Fig. 5. If a .007" (0.18mm) feeler gauge can be inserted (all models), thepiston is worn and should be replaced.Fig. 5. Checking Ring GroovesCheck RingsTo check rings, first clean all carbon from the ends of therings and from the cylinder bore. Insert old rings one ata time one inch down into the cylinder. Check gap withfeeler gauge. Fig. 6. If ring gap is greater than shown inTable No. 1, the ring should be rejected.Fig. 6. Checking Ring GapNOTE: Do not deglaze cylinder walls when installingpiston rings in aluminum cylinder engines.Chrome RingsNOTE: Chrome ring sets are available for all currentaluminum and cast iron cylinder models, no honing ordeglazing is required. The cylinder bore can be amaximum of .005" (0.13 mm) oversize when usingchrome rings. See Service Bulletin 479 or Engine PartsList.TABLE NO. 1RING GAP REJECTION SIZEBASIC MODEL SERIESCOMP.RINGOILRINGALUMINUM CYLINDERInchMmInchMm6B, 60000, 8B, 8000082000, 92000, 110000, 111000.0350.80.0451.14100000, 130000140000, 170000, 190000, 250000CAST IRON CYLINDERInchMmInchMm5, 6, 8, N, 914, 19, 190000200000, 23.0300.75.0350.90230000, 240000300000, 320000TABLE NO. 2CONNECTING ROD REJECT SIZESBASIC MODEL SERIESCRANK PINBEARINGPISTON PINBEARINGALUMINUM CYLINDERInchMmInchMm6B, 60000.87622.25.49212.508B, 800001.00125.43.49212.5082000, 92000, 1100001.00125.43.49212.501000001.00125.43.55514.101300001.00125.43.49212.50140000, 1700001.09527.81.67417.121900001.12728.63.67417.12220000, 2500001.25231.80.80220.37CAST IRON CYLINDERInchMmInchMm5.75219.10.49212.506, 8, N.75119.08.49212.509.87622.25.56314.3014, 19, 1900001.00125.43.67417.122000001.12728.63.67417.1223, 2300001.18930.20.73618.692400001.31433.38.67417.12300000, 3200001.31433.38.80220.37Check Connecting RodIf the crankpin bearing in the rod is scored, the rod mustbe replaced. Rejection sizes of crankpin bearing holeand piston pin bearing hole are shown in Table No. 2.Pistons pins .005" (0.13 mm) oversize are available incase the connecting rod and piston are worn at thepiston pin bearing. If, however, the crankpin bearing inthe connecting rod is worn, the rod should be replaced.Do not attempt to "file" or "fit" the rod.Check Piston PinIf the piston pin is worn .0005" (.01 mm) out of round orbelow the rejection sizes listed below, it should bereplaced. Table No. 3.2
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