PISTONS - RINGS - RODSAssemblyInstall piston, connecting rod, and dipper. Pistonidentification mark "F" and notch at top of piston must betoward flywheel side. Torque connecting rod screw perTable No. 4. Move connecting rod back and forth oncrankpin to be sure it is free.Install Piston and Rod AssemblyAll Models Except 300000 and 320000Place the connecting rod and piston assembly with ringscompressed into the cylinder bore, Fig. 10. Push pistonand rod down into the cylinder. Oil the crankpin of thecrankshaft. Pull the connecting rod against the crankpinand assemble the rod cap so assembly marks align. Fig.11.NOTE: Some rods do not have assembly marks as rodand cap will fit only in one position. Use care to ensureproper installation.Fig. 10. Install Piston AssemblyNOTE: Some rods may have flat washers under capscrews; remove and discard prior to installing rod.Fig. 11. Connecting Rod InstallationAssemble the cap screws and screw locks with oil dipper(if used). Tighten cap screws to torque shown in TableNo. 4. Fig. 12. Rotate the crankshaft two revolutions tobe sure rod is correctly installed.If rod strikes, connecting rod has been installed wrong orcam gear is out of time. If crankshaft operates freelybend screw locks against screw heads. Fig. 12.Fig. 12. Bending Screw LocksTABLE NO. 4CONNECTING ROD CAP SCREW TORQUEBASIC MODEL SERIESAVERAGE TORQUEALUMINUM CYLINDERInchPoundsKilogram MeterNewtonMeter6B, 600001001.211.38B, 800001001.211.382000, 92000, 110000,1110001001.211.3100000, 1300001001.211.3140000, 170000, 1900001651.918.72500001852.121.0CAST IRON CYLINDERInchPoundsKilogram MeterNewtonMeter5, 6, N, 81001.211.391401.615.8141902.221.519, 190000, 2000001902.221.523, 2300001902.221.5240000, 300000, 3200001902.221.5NOTE: Tighten rod screws securely. After tightening rodscrews, rod should be able to move sideways oncrankpin of shaft. A torque wrench must be used toprevent loose or overtight cap screws which results inbreakage and/or scoring of rod. Fig. 12.4
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