PISTONS - RINGS - RODSAssemblyTABLE NO. 3PISTON PIN REJECTION SIZEBASIC MODEL SERIESPISTON PINPIN BOREALUMINUM CYLINDERInchMmInchMm6B, 60000.48912.42.49112.478B, 80000.48912.42.49112.4782000, 92000, 110000.48912.42.49112.47100000.55214.02.55414.07130000.48912.42.49112.47140000, 170000, 190000.67117.04.67317.09220000, 250000.79920.29.80120.35CAST IRON CYLINDERInchMmInchMm5, 6, 8, N.48912.42.49112.479.56114.25.56314.3014, 19, 190000.67117.04.67317.09200000.67117.04.67317.0923, 230000.7348.64.73618.69240000.67117.04.67317.09300000, 320000.79920.29.80120.35Assemble Piston and Connecting RodThe piston pin is a push fit in both piston and connectingrod. On models using a solid piston pin, one end is flat,the other end is recessed. Other models use a hollowpin.Place a pin lock in the groove at one side of the piston.From the opposite side of the piston, insert the pistonpin, flat end first with solid pin, either end with hollowpins, until it stops against the pin lock. Fig. 3. Use a thinnose pliers to assemble the pin lock in the recessed endof the piston. Be sure the locks are firmly set in thegrooves.Assemble Rings to PistonIn Fig. 7, are shown the various rings and the properposition of each. Note especially the center compressionring. The scraper groove should always be down towardthe piston skirt. Be sure the oil return holes are cleanand carbon is removed from all grooves. NOTE: Installexpander under oil ring, when required.Fig. 7. Position of RingsOil the rings and piston skirt, then compress rings withring compressor (part 19070 or 19230). On all cast ironmodels, use ring compressor (19070) as illustrated inFig. 8. Illustration 1. On all aluminum engines, usecompressor (19070) as illustrated in Fig. 8. Illustration 2.NOTE: When using 19230 (2 band) ring compressor,use as shown in Fig. 8, Illus. 1 on all engines.Fig. 8. Compression RingsTurn the piston and compressor upside down on thebench and push downward, so the piston head and edgeof compressor band are even while tightening thecompressor. Draw the compressor up tight to fullycompress the rings, then loosen the compressor veryslightly. Do not attempt to install piston and ringassembly without ring compressor.NOTE: The pistons used in the 220000 and 250000engines have a notch as shown in Fig. 9. The notchmust face the flywheel side of the cylinder wheninstalled.Installing Piston and Connecting Rod Models 300000and 320000The piston has an identification mark "F" located next topiston pin bore. When assembling piston to theconnecting rod, the letter "F" on the piston must appearon the same side as the assembly mark on theconnecting rod. Assembly mark on rod is also used toidentify rod and cap alignment. Install piston rings asillustrated in Fig. 9.Fig. 9. Assemble Piston to Rod3
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