TM 9-2350-238-10OPERATING CRANE–CONTINUEDOPERATING SUSPENSION LOCKOUT SYSTEM–CONTINUEDVehicle should not be drivenwith suspension system locked.Vehicle may be driven for a fewfeet at a very slow speed withsuspension locked only if mov-ing a load or emplacing spade inhard ground.5 Before driving vehicle, set suspensionlockout control handle (1) in UNLOCKEDposition and check to see that SUSPEN-SION LOCKED indicator light (2) is off.OPERATING SPADESpade Emplacement on Average Soil.1234Start hydraulic system. Refer to page2-67.Place spade control valve handle (1) inRAISE position and loosen and removespade travel lock (2). Place travel lock ondeck.Place spade control valve handle (1) inLOWER position and lower spade toground.When emplacing spade intoground, back vehicle justenough to place idler wheelover spade to force spade firmlyinto ground. Backing vehicle toofar will damage spade support-ing members.Set transmission shift control lever (3) toRI while holding spade control valvehandle (1) in LOWER position, slowlydrive vehicle backward until spade catch-es and digs into ground.2-69
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