TM 9-2350-238-10OPERATING CRANE–CONTINUEDOPERATING SPADE–CONTINUEDPositioning Spade in Travel Position.12345Set suspension lockout control valvehandle (1) in UNLOCKED position.SUSPENSION LOCKED indicator light (2)will go off.Drive vehicle slowly forward until offspade. Hold spade control valve handle(3) in RAISE position.Stop vehicle. Return release spade con-trol valve handle to off position, cleanspade moldboard of any dirt or rocks,then continue to raise spade.When spade is against hull, install spadetravel lock (41 on spade and tightensecurely.Release spade control valve handle (31.OPERATION PRECAUTIONSl Always wear leather gloveswhen handling winch cable.Never allow cable to runthrough hands. Broken wirescan cause painful injuries. Donot operate winch/crane withless than four turns of wirerope on drums. Failure toobserve these warnings couldresult in personnel injuries.l During winch/crane opera-tions direct all personnel tostay clear of operations area.A snapped cable or shiftingload can be extremely danger-ous. Should operations behalted due to faulty equip-ment, notify unit mainte-nance personnel immediately.l Use signals per FM 21-60 toprevent injury to personneland damage to equipmentduring loading/unloadingoperations.l Do not allow personnel tostand or walk under liftedloads.During crane operations the following precau-tions must be observed. Notify unit mainte-nance personnel of any malfunction or indica-tion of trouble that could lead to amalfunction.1 Observe all controls for ease of compo-nent control and proper operation.2-72
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