TM 9-2350-238-10OPERATION IN UNUSUAL WEATHER–CONTINUEDEXTREMELY MOIST HEAT, SAL T AIR, ORSEA SPRAY– CONTINUED9 Refer to page 3-53 for maintenance pro-cedures which are required in addition tonormal PMCS when vehicle is operatedin salt air, sea spray, or hot humidclimates.10 Check level of battery acid in cells daily,Electrolyte level must not drop below topof battery plates. If low, notify unitmaintenance personnel. Batteries self-discharge at a high rate when not in use.If vehicle is parked for several days inhot climate, have unit maintenance per-sonnel remove batteries and store in acool place, if possible.EXTREMELY OR Y HEAT1 Lubricate vehicle at frequent intervals asprescribed in appendix G.23Operation of vehicle at high speed, onlong hard pulls in lower gear ratios or insoft terrain may cause engine tooverheat. Watch engine temperaturegauge and halt vehicle for a cooling-offperiod whenever necessary and tacticalsituation permits. Do not turn off engine- set hand throttle control lever to runengine at 1,000 to 1,200 rpm and allowengine to cool.If engine temperature consistently risesabove 200°F (93°C), check filter bagsfor excessive dust, and if necessary,clean filter pats. Refer to page 3-43.When air filter baskets are removed, in-spect air separators for clogging. Ifclogged, notify unit maintenancepersonnel.4 Do not park vehicle in sun for longperiods of time. If no suitable shelter isavailable, cover vehicle with tarpaulin.Tarpaulin should be suspended abovecab surface to allow air ventilation, ifpossible.5678Keep all doors and cupola covers openwhenever possible to aid ventilation ofvehicle.Clean and lubricate exposed metal sur-faces and gun bore of machine gun fre-quently. When machine gun is not inuse, cover surfaces with a film of PLspecial or CLP and keep cover in place.Refer to page 3-57 for maintenance pro-cedures which are required in addition tonormal PMCS when vehicle is operatedin desert climates.Check level of battery acid in cells daily.Electrolyte level must not drop below topof battery plates. If low, notify unitmaintenance personnel. Batteries self-discharge at a high rate when not in use.If vehicle is parked for several days inhot climate, have unit maintenance per-sonnel remove batteries and store in acool place, if possible.TOXIC GAS, EXTREME DUST,SAND STORMS12OR DUST ANDCarbon monoxide is a poisonousgas and can cause personal in-jury and possible death. Thegas-particulate filter unit willnot protect against carbonmonoxide. If you have symp-toms of carbon monoxidepoisoning, seek immediatemedical help. Keep area ade-quately ventilated.In event of a chemical attack or whenoperating vehicle under extremely dustyconditions, driver and crew should usegas-particulate filter unit. Refer to TM3-4240-280-10 for operation of gas-particulate unit.When operating in extreme dust or dur-ing a dust or sand storm, keep all doorsand cupola covers closed and lockedwhen not in use.Change 32 - 1 09
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