TM 9-2350-238-10OPERATION IN UNUSUAL WEATHER –CONTINUEDEXTREMELY COLD WEATHER – CONTINUED1 The cold weather starting proceduresfollow:NOTEThese cold weather startingprocedures are normally used at0 ° t o - 2 5 ° F ( – 1 8 ° t o–31°C), but they also apply ifvehicle will not start at 32° t o0°F (0° to – 18°C). For ex-treme cold, –25°F (–31°C)and below, special purpose kitsshould be installed andoperated. Refer to Chapter 5.a.Make sure batteries are fullycharged.b. If winterization kit is installed, roll upand secure covers over exhaust portsand air intake grille. Refer to page5-9. Turn coolant heater OFF. Referto page 5-5.c.Perform normal engine starting pro-cedure steps 1 thru 5. Refer to page2-52.d. Push PRIME-ENGINE-FUEL-FILTERS-AND-HEATER-FUEL-CYCLE switch(1) to heater fuel cycle ON position,hold 3 to 5 seconds, and release. im-mediately press START switch (2)and hold no more than 15 seconds.If engine does not start, releaseSTART switch for 5 seconds andrepeat step d while performing stepe.NOTEIf engine does not start on thirdattempt, turn all switches OFF.If winterization kit is installed,operate coolant heater or notifyunit maintenance personnel.e.While cranking engine, operatePRIME-ENGINE-FUEL-FILTER-AND-HEATER-FUEL-CYCLE switch (1) inheater fuel cycle ON position for 1second then OFF position for 2seconds repeatedly.NOTEObserve instruction to cycle theHEATER-FUEL-CYCLE switch(1) on and off. Continuousflame in air box will deplete ox-ygen supply to engine.f.When engine starts, release STARTswitch (2) and intermittently activateHEATER-FUEL-CYCLE switch (1) toON and OFF until engine speed is300 rpm or running smoothly. Whenengine is running smoothly, releaseswitch (1).g.If engine does not start after 30seconds or indication of firing stopsfor over 10 seconds, stop crankingand notify unit maintenancepersonnel.h. With brakes still locked, shifttransmission into 4th range position,adjust throttle to run engine at1,200 rpm. Continue to run engineuntil coolant temperature reaches120° to 140°F (49°C to 60°C),then shift into N (neutral) and cutengine speed to slow idle (650-700rpm). If transmission temperature ap-proaches 220°F (93°C) duringwarmup, stay in neutral untiltemperature returns to normal.2-111
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