TM 9-2350-238-10EMERGENCY PROCEDURESDetailed procedures are found in BattleDamage Assessment Repair (BDAR), TM 9-2350-274-BD.NUCLEAR, BIOLOGICAL, AND CHEMICAL(NBC) DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURESllNOTEDetailed decon procedurescan be found in FM 3-87.Refer to TM 3-4320-214-12&P for operation of theM 13 Decontaminating Appar-atus.GENERALThe following emergency procedures can beperformed until NBC DECON facilities areavailable. Vehicle commander will supervise,assign crew duties, and assist supportingNBC unit,EMERGENCY PROCEDURESIf NBC attack is known or suspected, mask atonce and continue mission. If inside, do notleave vehicle. If outside, follow decon pro-cedures below to avoid taking contaminationinto the vehicle. Do not unmask until told todo so.Nuclear Decontamination:Brush fallout from skin, clothing, andequipment with available brushes, rags,and tree branches. Wash skin and haveradiation check made as soon as tacticalsituation permits. [You can find instruc-tions for the check in FM 3-5).Biological Decontamination:The vehicle crew has no method todetect or decon biological agents. Re-main masked and continue mission untiltold to unmask.CHEMICAL DETECTION ANDDECONTAMINATIONDo not use decontaminationspray on personnel. It couldcause personal injury.Use M8 paper from M256 chemical agentdetector kit or M9 paper to determine if liquidagent is present on vehicle surface.If exposure to liquid agent is known orsuspected, clean exposed skin, clothing, andpersonal gear, in that order, using M258A1kit. Use the buddy system. Wash exposedskin and thoroughly decontaminate as soonas tactical situation permits.If M8 or M9 paper indicates that liquidchemical agent is present on vehicle surfaceuse ABC-M 11 decon apparatus for partialdecon of vehicle. Use loader’s hatch forexit/entry. Avoid getting liquid agent intocrew compartment. Spray only surfaces thatwill be touched getting in and out of vehicle.Decon procedures take time. Do as much asyou can based on the tactical situation.BATTLE DAMAGEIf M578 recovery vehicle shows signs of bat-tle damage, refer to TM 9-2350-274-BD.Change 12-1 15/(2-116 blank)
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